2000s NEWS
NEWSFEED: 8/26/05, LOTS OF FLOODING, PROTEST IN IRAQ, DRUG BUST, WILDFIRE, SCHWARZENEGGER ;KS FLOODING big puddle, retirement home, little windmill, bridge over flooded river ;IL SNAKE FOUND UNDER CAR HOOD young man opens cars hood, veterinarian treating python ;MO WALKING SCHOOL BUS PROGRAM mother walking kid to school, troop of kids walking with crossing guards, first day of school ;IRAQ LATEST huge protest, politicians at meeting, protesters, soldiers on patrol, Meyers ;EUROPE RECOVERING flooded house, man rowing in scow, Int flooded chapel, flooded country house, rescue workers row by, clean-up ;HURRICANE KATRINA FLORIDA FLOODING Aerial flooded apartment bldg, man wading. IRAQ GENERAL MEYERS BRIEFING ;IRAQ SHIITES & SUNNIS PROTEST crowd of protesters, cleric making speech, guerrillas wearing masks photo-op, protest march ;PERU PLANE CRASH SURVIVOR SPEAKS woman in hospital bed, 'like chickens, delicious chickens...'; INDIA PRIME MINISTER MEETS SRI LANKA FM photo-op. PAKISTAN PRISONERS IN INDIA protest, men signing petition, Int press conf ;FL GOODEN APPEARANCE trial scene. NC I-85 ACCIDENT firefighters spray smoking trailer, hauling away wrecked semi, truck convoy in traffic jam ;HURRICANE KATRINA SC USCG BUOY TENDER docked coast guard ship. PA MISSING WOMAN FUNERAL crowd, INT upbeat funeral mass ;CA CHRIS FARLEY STAR ON WALK OF FAME unveiling star, David Spade Chris Rock & Adam Sandler at ceremony ;CUBA US RICE SHIPMENTS DOWN 50% people at conference are wearing little earphones for translation ; CATONY MUHAMMED ARREST NX Aerial police activity, DX Muhammed speaking, Aerial man wounded by gang shooting ;CO HOT AIR BALLOON FESTIVAL Smokey the Bear balloon, can of Alpo...Tony the Tiger & the Engergizer bunny, Mayflower logo ; MA OTIS AFB PREPARES TO CLOSE fighter jets on tarmac. WA BOEING CONTRACT TALKS protesters/striking workers, union vote ;WA CARGO SHIP FIRE Aerial cargo ship a little soggy but ok...fire boat. SD ELLSWORTH AFB CELEBRATES toast champagne ;CA SACRAMENTO MAN DIES WEST NILE VIRUS still, press conf, Asian female researcher in lab, jar full of mosquitoes ;CA WILDFIRE NX forest fire, fire fighters burying flames, DX helicopter, plume of smoke, forest fire, troop of fire fighters ;IL MAYOR DALEY TALKS TO FEDS pres conf, mayors office ;CA SCHWARZENEGGER ATTENDS STATE FAIR shaking hands, admires his likeness in sand sculpture ;TX ONE TON OF POT seized drugs in office, drug sniffing dog barking; HURRICANE KATRINA FL BOAT RESCUE dull Air to Air helicopter hovering over people on beach. CA HYBRID DECALS stickers on Prius ;ND NCAA MASCOT RULING APPEAL pro hockey match. NM CANNON AFB CLOSURE press conf, F-18 landing, Int quiet coffee shop ;OR DEER CREEK WILDFIRE roaring forest fire, Red Cross workers, plane dropping fire retardant, helicopter scooping water ;NC QUICK THINKING FOILS ROBBER surveillance camera footage of robbery, police arriving, robbers arrested ;CA HOMES ON FIRE IN LA JOLLA flames behind house with ocean view, smoke rising from houses on sea cliff ;HURRICANE KATRINA FL flooded cars interior, flooded neighborhood, water swirling over storm drain, dog swimming; Cars driving on flooded street, bicyclist, fallen tree branch, Cessna flipped over, fallen church spire pierces bldg ;Paddling boat down flooded street, ambulance backing up thru flood waters ;
Father Matt Foley praises comedian Chris Farley at the comedian's funeral.
Father Matt Foley praises comedian Chris Farley at the comedian's funeral.
Celebrities gather for the funeral of comedian Chris Farley.
Celebrities gather for the funeral of comedian Chris Farley.
Farley Xmas Card (12/19/1997)
Vo of a Christmas card Chris Farley sent to the parents of fellow comic David Spade in Phoenix.
Farley/Funeral (1997)
Arrivals and services and departures and arrivals at the cemetery. Celebrities joined family members and friends of the late Chris Farley today in Madison. They came to pay their final respects to the young comedian who died December 18th in Chicago.
Farley’s Last Bar (12/20/1997)
The body of comedian Chris Farley was returned to his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin today. His funeral has been planned for Tuesday. Farley was found dead inside his apartment at the John Hancock building. New information is coming out about the last moments of Farley's life. The star of Saturday Night Live was reportedly drinking heavily at area bars in Chicago just nights before his death. One of those bars, was The Hunt Club an upscale Chicago sports bar, it's reported he was drinking with his brother John. One waitress here is quoted as saying he looked really bad. A doorman is quoted as saying he looked really red, big, heavy, sweating. And a stripper who identified herself only as Autumn told the syndicated TV show Inside Edition that she was called to Farley's apartment... when she arrived he was drinking vodka and rolling a marijuana cigarette, she also says in the interview, which airs Monday, that Farley asked her for cocaine. The autopsy on Farley is complete, but the medical examiners office says it will be weeks for toxicology tests to be returned and an official cause of death released. END